A set of utilities for the retrieval, calibration, and manipulation of publicly available raw Mars surface mission imagery. It is not meant or intended to work with or produce full comprehensive science products (that is left to the NASA Planetary Data System and traditional image processing toolsets), instead provide tools for the enthusiast and "Citizen Scientist" communities to streamline, standardize, and teach the operations generally used for flight mission image processing.
A collection of Python and shell scripts for processing Cassini, Juno, Galileo, and Voyager imagery from their PDS archived IMG and IMQ files into both ISIS3 cube files and TIFFs. The scripts require a working and initialized installation of the USGS ISIS3 software from https://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/. Ensure the ISIS3 mission kernels are all installed.
Dedicated calibration and processing tools for JunoCam.
A desktop user interface for the SolHat project using Rust and the egui toolkit. As a whole, SolHat is a tool for the stacking of solar and lunar astrophotography, aimed primarily at users of azimuth/elevation mounts (though not exclusively) by providing computationally derived parallactic rotation along with center-of-mass alignment. Frame calibration, analysis, limb darkening correction, and drizzle-enabled stacking are among the core functionality. The program currently uses SER formatted files as inputs due to their non-compressed image storage and timestamping. Inputs include lights, darks, flats, darkflats, and bias frames; Only the lights are required to produce an output. An optional hot pixel map in toml format can be used to replace hot/stuck camera sensor pixels.